Student Projects
I am honored to work with such incredible students at Green River College. Here you will find examples of some of the projects students have developed in my courses.
SOC 202: Sociology of Food
Apples, by Mitchell Babington
Avocados, by Kelsey Ballard
Coffee, by Whitney Herbert
Vanilla, by Noah Reitan
Powdered Sugar, by Lorelei Konvalin
Apples, by Jake Lindsay
SOC 214: Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
Racial Justice in America, by Mesaged Abakar
Heroes of the South Pacific, by Saveria Avantaggio
Making a Difference: What Does That Look Like?, by Angel Batalon
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology
SOC 220: Sex and Gender in Society
What Does Feminism Mean to You?, by Victorya Esperanza
More Than..., by Shaylin Keegan
Intersectional Liberation, by Angela Warner
Everyone Belongs in the Solution, by Charlotte Baryo
Breaking the Rules, by Erika Rhee
Discover Feminism, by Andrea Rafael
Men in Feminism: We Have Work to Do, by Adam Harper
Change on a Smaller Scale, by Japneet Kaur